Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happy International Women's Day!

In honor of International Women's Day, I'd like to honor a few women who have inspired me. I've selected five who have represented our gender well and have made amazing strides toward making this world a better place unlike some females out there **CoughAnnCoulterCough**. While I could mention a dozen women who I know personally, I decided to stick with women who are (or were) in the public spotlight.

Jessie Zimmerer: City Councilwoman in La Grande, OR- That's right folks. A 23 year old City Council member. While most folks our age only care about politics when it is trendy, Jessie has a heart full of compassion and conviction to make her town a better place. I like to think that I'm cool by association since we've been friends for 14 years.

Sandra Day O'Connor- First female Supreme Justice and all around neat lady. She pulled out the funny with Jon Stewart last week.

Anne Lamott- One of my favorite authors who has taught me that it is ok to disagree with aspects of religion and to question authority. Plus she knows how to rock some sweet dreadlocks.

Captain Molly Kool- The first female ship captain/New Brunswicks first feminist. She passed away this month at the age of 93. Manning a ship takes ovaries.

Kate Winslet- My favorite actress. Though I don't know her personally, she seems to be a woman of integrity who truly thinks before she speaks and acts. I admire her boldness in choosing parts that are risky as well as risque.

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