Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gross Day

Today was one of those days when I wanted to throw in the towel and walk away. I'm currently working on a paper on atonement, an assignment that has got my head spinning. I thought I had a grasp on it this afternoon, but when I sat down with it again this evening I was lost. I fought the urge to keep working on it into the wee hours of the night, but I decided to go meet up with an old friend who is in town. Sometimes taking a break is a good thing. After seeing friends and being reminded that there's more to this seminary thing than cranking out papers, I felt recharged and ready to go.

And then my dog rolled in shit.

The stress and frustration of the day came pouring back in. I was on the verge of major tears as I hosed her off outside, realizing it was going to take several baths to get the stench out. I cussed under my breath as we walked up the stairs, realizing that my apartment was going to stink because of my dog. And then I calmed down as I bathed her, realizing that she's a dog. Dogs roll in poo. This 10 minutes of bath time turned into a reflection time over my day.

I thought about how wonderful it was to drink my tea this morning.
About how much I enjoyed my classes this morning.
I thought about my friend who took the time to tell me about her understanding of atonement, which gave me great insight.
About the break I took from writing when I picked up my clarinet and worked through the major scales.
I thought about how much I love having classes with close friends and with people I don't know very well.
I thought about the two hours I spent at the public library this evening, trudging through my paper, but loving the sound of children giggling at the book they were reading.
About how much I enjoy conversation over beers at the Local, and how sad I'll be when all but three people at that table tonight will be leaving next year.
About awkward, wonderful hugs in the middle of the street.
And I thought about how grateful I am for a patient boyfriend who is willing to help me walk the dogs.

It seems peculiar that I close out this day thinking it was a not so great day, when really the list indicates that there was a great deal of beauty in it.

For that I am grateful.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Really good friends always trump a shitty day. Glad you're surrounded by so many of them! (friends, not shits)