Tuesday, September 3, 2013

This is why I run: Blue Bell Ice Cream

So, technically I'm taking a break from running because of a foot injury, but that isn't stopping me from hopping on the bicycle as a replacement activity. And I'm going to be logging a lot of miles now that Blue Bell has release a new flavor:

Photo courtesy of their website: http://www.bluebell.com/the_little_creamery/press_releases/press_cpb.html

Oh Blue Bell, you are one of my great loves in life. And now you have combined two of the greatest flavors into one of your brown rimmed cartons. Such a thing of beauty. 

I'm so glad the ten commandments don't explicitly state that a love for ice cream is a sin. It could maybe fit under the category of idolatry, but come on. That sounds like a stretch. 

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