Sunday, April 22, 2012

Adventures in Preaching

This morning I had the honor of leading the worship service. Our pastor is out of town, so I was running the show. This is the first time I've had the opportunity to do this and while there were a few hiccups, it went pretty well! Of course things never run smoothly when the pastor is away. He seems to have the finess it takes to make it all come together. But we did the best we could in his absence.

Every time I preach, I take away an important lesson. Something to do differently next time, or something to pursue further. This morning my lesson was that I should not wait until 20 minutes before the service starts to print out my sermon. The first time it printed, it came out red. Red type on white paper is just about the worst thing ever. So I tried it again and the second time it printed out in 19 point font, much bigger than my usual 14 point. The words were gigantic on the page, which made for a disoriented preacher. Several times I stumbled through sections when I would look from the congregation and back to the page. But hopefully the content of the message spoke louder than the delivery.

I'm blessed to be interning at a congregation full of so many wonderful people. They all have tremendous grace and are kind to me as I learn and grow as a preacher. One of our elders bought a flower arrangement to have at the front of the room and said it was in my honor. She then had me take it home afterward, a gesture that warmed my heart. And then I had the opportunity to eat lunch with a few members, and my deacon insisted on treating me.

These people are wonderful.

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