Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Prayer for Those Engaged to Marry

A slightly adapted form from the Book of Common Worship

Almighty God,
in the beginning you made man and woman
to join themselves in shared affection.
May those who engage to marry be filled with joy.
Let them not snap at each other
while completing a 20 mile marathon training run.
Let them be so sure of each other
that no fear or disrespect may shake their vows.
May coming up with a playlist for the wedding DJ
be the least of their worries.
Help them to forgive each other,
even when one rips out a perfectly good shrub in the yard.
Though their eyes may be bright with love for each other,
keep in sight a wider world,
where neighbors want and strangers beg,
and where service is a joyful duty.
Precious Lord, help them survive the wedding chaos;
through Jesus Christ the Lord,

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