Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sermon Shavings: The Pope's Focus

I have managed to make it through a very tiring week of clinicals, class and sermon writing. I have to make the disclaimer that my last post about the VHS wars, was written in that point in the sermon writing process when the task seems impossible. It always seems to happen, but at different points. Sometimes it happens the moment I read the scripture. Other times it happens after I've done all of the exegetical work. The worst is when I have a solid draft written, and feel prompted to start all over.

The sermon writing process is tricky. But the Spirit always manages to work through those defeated moments, to produce something beautiful. Some weeks, the result is a sermon which "knocks it out of the park." Other weeks, the Word only strikes one person. That Spirit is a mysterious thing.

This week I find myself particularly emotional as I prepare the sermon. I am preaching for my home congregation for the first time ever. This family has raised me, taught me, guided me. They've been the ones who have helped fulfill the vows of my baptism, by teaching me the ways of our faith. They endorsed me for seminary and for the ordination process. And now I have the opportunity to worship God with them in a way I haven't been able to before. I am very much looking forward to Sunday.

It is also emotional because this is the last sermon I will write as pastoral free agent. This Sunday, the congregation that I have been dialoguing with will officially vote on calling me to be their pastor. All of the efforts of discernment and training have been leading up to this moment. It is exciting and scary and wonderful.

As usual, there were some ponderings that didn't make their way into the sermon. One of my homiletics professors calls that "chocolate shavings" like at factory where chocolate bunnies are made. The chocolate shavings don't make it into the final product, but the chocolate is still good. I was thinking about Pope Francis' recent choice of a Ford Focus as his popemobile. Here is an article to consider in light of Luke 12:13-21.


Jane said...

I would love to read one of your sermons! I remember you being a fellow Subaru owner--Beaven bought me a new Ford something that was too big and I finally told him I would really prefer to go back to the old Subaru. It fits me better. I can't wait to find out what lucky church gets you and where will JT go?

Erin said...

I love the chocolate shavings analogy! I say write 'em down. Now that you're becoming a preacher lady with a regular gig, who knows when that passage will come up again and you'll need a fresh new approach?! Also, chocolate is yummy.