Friday, August 5, 2011

The Day in Food

We're still waiting for our ride to El Tres, so I'll give you a bonus post! Here is a documentation of the food we've been eating. Here at the apartment, we have a woman who prepares our meals in the kitchen at the school. It's been wonderful to experience the local cuisine.


Breakfast day 1: eggs with toast and cafe con leche. Delicioso!

Lunch day 1: soup with tripas, salad, rice and juice.

Dinner day 1: Chicken with rice, potatoes, one green bean, fried bananas and juice.

New Spanish word in my vocabulary: Tripas
Dictionary Definition: Pig intestines.
Contextual definition: The first "unusual" food I've eaten in Colombia. Kelsey was nice enough to wait until I was done eating it to tell me what it was. It was rubbery, but not too shabby!

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